Easy Pandoras Family PCB Encoder Plug and Play Main Install Kit
Our custom designed PCB will allow anyone to simply and quickly install a Pandoras Box Family Edition into a arcade cabinet. This pcb also has a 12v input that will allow you to easily have a switch and power items like LED buttons or marquees.
The great thing behind this pcb is you are not limited to either 0.110 or 0.187 button terminal size. You can mix and match and it will all work just perfect. See Video for details.
Whats Included (MAIN KIT):
1. PCB Board
2. Main Harness
3. 2 x Sanwa joystick connections
What is needed besides the kit:
You need to have a 2pin JST jumper cables for your buttons. The cable that is included for the joystick will work with a Sanwa JLF.
We did this so that you can mix and match the encoder cables.
Install Video Here: